Non-Jewish Visitors

Like Jews visiting a church, many non-Jews do not know the proper etiquette for visiting a synagogue. If you have any questions, please ask; anyone in our temple will be glad to answer your questions. Non-Jewish visitors are always welcome to attend services in our synagogue, so long as they behave as proper guests, as any synagogue is a sacred place of worship. All synagogues should be treated with appropriate respect in matters relating to behavior and dress. Please be kind enough to dress modestly when visiting our synagogue.

  • Please dress modestly and/or formally if you would like to visit, as this is a house of prayer.
  • Please silence or turn off your cell phones or other electronic devices.
  • Men in our synagogue wear a Kippah, so please feel free to borrow one to wear from the basket at the entrance and return it to its place upon leaving the temple.
  • If you are not familiar with the prayers in the Hebrew language, you may follow the English version in the prayer book.
  • The Rabbi or Gabbai will always mention the page number for everyone to feel comfortable following the order of the service.
  • Everybody will please stand when the Ark is opened and the Torah is taken out.
  • You may sit in any section of the synagogue you feel comfortable.
  • Expect the service to last a minimum of an hour or so for Friday night, and longer for Saturday morning, depending on attendance.

We hope your experience is a positive one. Thank you for visiting.