
End of School 5777
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End of Year 5777

Temple Beth Israel prides itself in having an active religious school for the past decade and a half without interruption. Sometimes there are lots of students, sometimes a handful, but every Sunday there are classes for the young ones to learn. There is confirmation class, History of Israel, Basic Hebrew, Judaism, and more.


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The Torah, as a living document, can sometimes be in need of care. Just like we go to a doctor to make sure we are doing well, Torot need to be seen by a sofer to make sure it is kosher. Temple Beth Israel’s Torah is visiting the sofer in Dallas and we are excitedly awaiting her return. In the meantime, Temple Emanuel in McAllen has graciously loaned us a Sefer Torah so that we can have our services while our torah is being repaired. Thank you Temple Emanuel for your wonderful mitzvah! Part of the transfer celebration was to join both synagogues in a pilgrimage from one synagogue to the other and stopping five times on the way. These stops represented the five books of the Torah and a brief outline of each was read at every stop.

Disclaimer: This slideshow contains pictures from several sources and the webmaster was not able to set them all in chronological order as the program does it automatically by name, and not by time.

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Purim 5777

The craziest celebration in Judaism, Purim, was celebrated at Temple Beth Israel with joy, laughter, food, Hamantaschen, costumes, and a piñata. Everyone who was in attendance went home with a prize, candy, food, good memories, or at least a full stomach from all the food we had.

TU B’Shevat 5777

The birthday of the trees, known in Judaism as TU B’Shevat or the 15th of Shevat, is celebrated with joy and laughter. Trees give us shade, fruit, and give their lives so we can have warmth and a roof over our heads. What better way to recognize their heroic contribution than to celebrate them once a year with all the pomp and circumstance they deserve? Read more about this wonderful holiday here. Temple Beth Israel celebrated with a nice outdoor Seder in the park on Sunday, February 12, 2017.

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Rosh HaShanah 5777

Welcoming the Jewish year of 5777 was a lot of fun. The evening service was hosted by the board members of Temple Beth Israel with delicious food and treats. During the morning service, we heard the Shofar blown by Fernando Russek and seven members who were called for aliyot during the reading of the Torah. For Tashlich, everyone in attendance went to Pendelton Park. A good and educational time was had by all

Relay for Life 07
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Relay for Life

Relay for Life is an international event, organized by the American Cancer Society in which people around the world have a chance to celebrate the lives of people who fall victims of cancer. This is a great time to remember those we have lost to the disease, and an opportunity to raise money to find ways to cure it. Temple Beth Israel was well represented with our Stars of David Team on Friday, April 29, 2016 at the La Feria High School grounds.

Abby and Rabi
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(Picture titles are on top of each picture)


Pesach 5776 (Passover 2016) was a fun, entertaining, and educational event for all who attended.  Families from the entire valley came to celebrate the Seder and the reading of the Haggadah, headed by Rabbi Frank Joseph. The children had fun and the two lucky Silguero boys found the Afikoman. Friendships were rekindled, and great food was served. Thank you Alma for once more outdoing yourself with the meal. It was fantastic.  See you next year in Jerusalem!


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Temple Beth Israel had its annual Purim party on Sunday, March 27, 2016.  We had a lot of fun, we won a lot of prizes for best costumes, and we ate a lot of food. The Megillah was read both in Hebrew and in English.

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On Sunday, February 21, 2016, the members of Temple Beth Israel gathered together to donate blood. Together with other members of the City of Harlingen, Boy Scouts, and Students of Santa Rosa HS, we had a successful drive. Originally, 16 people signed up for donations, but 24 showed up and gave a little of themselves, helping to save lives in the future. Everybody was treated to a delicious lunch of kosher hamburgers.

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One of the greatest Simchas in any Jewish community is to have a birth in our midst.  Sarah Barrios (Sarah Bat Shmuel v’Shlomit) was born on Wednesday, January 13, 2016 (3 Shevat, 5776), to Samuel and Ada Barrios (Shmuel v’ Shlomit). Sarah had her naming ceremony, or Zevet Habat, three days later on Saturday, January 16, 2016 (6 Shevat, 5776), officiated by Rabbi Frank Joseph and the happy parents. Congratulations Barrios Family on your Simcha, we share your joy and we hope you will be greatly blessed!!