The existence and continuation of Temple Beth Israel, like most synagogues in the world, is possible because of the generous donations of people who came before us, and because of people like you. Please consider becoming a supporter of our Jewish house of prayer, education and community, either by becoming a member, or if you have been a member in the past and have moved away, by becoming an honorary member at a reduced rate. Please contact Alma or Fernando Russek for honorary membership.
- the General Fund
- the Building Fund
- the New Torah Fund
- the Sunday School fund
- the Shabbat Breakfast Fund
- the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
You may contact Alma Russek at, and tell her to which fund your donation should go. Your donations may be in cash, personal check made out to Temple Beth Israel to our postal address (P. O. Box 3398, Harlingen Texas 78551), or at set dates through direct deposit. Also, anyone can donate through PayPal as a single time or recurring. You don’t even have to hold a PayPal account to donate. If you choose to donate through PayPal, you will see a small box to include a small message to mention your chosen fund.
Please take into consideration that PayPal charges a fee to the Temple for each donation made through them. If possible, send a check or give the donation directly to Alma Russek. Thank you.
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